The success of the treatment relies on the practitioner, who, by involving the patient and offering advice, engages in real collaboration. This is because activators make use of the movements and forces produced by natural functions. Multi-functional activators (APF) use stimulation to reorganize disrupted buccopharyngeal neurovegetative functions: nasal breathing, swallowing, chewing and phonation. When these are dysfunctional they cause dental disorders.
Toward oral balance
As the treatment progresses, natural movements generate physiological functional stimuli thanks to APF, which stimulates tissue formation and adaptation according to the direction, intensity and frequency of functional excitation. So the patient gains oral balance.
The practitioner’s role in the treatment process is one of implication and he/she considers the patient as a whole. The practitioner establishes an action plan, adapting the activator to the development of the patient’s mouth as treatment progresses to obtain an optimum functional and aesthetic result which is as perfect as possible.