OSB training school – Organisation Spatiale de la Bouche (Spatial organisation of the mouth) in conjunction with AOG – Approccio Ortodontico Globale (Global orthodontic approach) present the TRAINING PROGRAMME for 2012-2013:

(interpreting provided in French/Italian)

  • 21 to 24 NOVEMBER 2012 in ROME
  • 24 to 26 JANUARY 2013 in ROME
  • 15 to 18 MAY 2013 in ROME
  • 26 to 28 NOVEMBER 2013 in ROME

OSB TRAINING dispensed by: Dr Rodrigue MATHIEU,
Dr Jean-François ARDOUIN and Dr Daniel THÉET

Sign up! – Training in Italy:

Dr Emanuela FAVETTI

Port : +39 392 64 08 126